Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 13- final stretch

Yep. I'm in the last week. I've lost count of the days. All I know is that I have 1 full week of recovery week, and then I will have accomplished p90x. I'm stoked and ready for the end. I am looking at continuing some of the exercises, and may pick p90x or another work out up in a bit... but I'm ready to have my life back a bit.

I'm thinking about buying a pull up bar though- considering pull ups and push ups have been my favorite things to do this entire time. :-)


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

73: Good News!

I am significantly better at my workouts than I am at blogging about them. :-)

Also? Only 2.5 weeks left! WOO!

I am still feeling pretty awesome. I actually fear/ worry about what I'm going to do once the time is up. I severely miss my "free time", but want to keep working out. The fact that I get off work, drive home, change, drive to the house to work out, work out for 1-1.5 hours, drive back home, shower, and then finally get to eat and maybe go out again. Yikes! I haven't seen much of my roommate in weeks, and am behind in other things as well. Hence, the lack of updates over the past month.

Also, after 60+ days those videos get really annoying and repetitive.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 63: still chugging along.

Yeah... I'm still doing my work out. I'm still seeing improvements in various ways. On Thursday we took our day 60 pictures. Can I just say "WOW!" I hadn't really been paying too much attention to the changes- I knew my clothes were fitting better (or falling off a bit) and that I was developing muscle/ getting a bit leaner. However, jumping back and forth from day 0 to day 60 was incredible! It made me want to push even harder these last few weeks so that my "after" pictures can be that much more of an amazing difference.

(To any regular followers- sorry the updates have been lacking lately. My workout takes a big chunk of the day, and recently I've been running off to do other things and have spent less and less time on the computer as a whole this past month. Thanks for reading though!)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 57- best workout of p90x so far

I have officially graduated to the normal push ups, and not those silly on-the-knee ones. I also managed to do more of those than I did on my knees, which makes me feel even more amazing. I pushed it the entire workout and could feel the burn, the sweat, the pending exhaustion- and I loved it! I'm beyond excited to be in my final month- that final stretch. I want to give it my all (even more so than I already have) these last 5 weeks. I feel the difference, other people can see the difference (I struggle with the visuals some days), and I know I can do this.

I'm ecstatic. I'm proud. I'm happy.


54, 55, 56, 57 X

54- core. did it

55- yoga, skipped for various reasons to make up on 56

56- forgot all about yoga >.<

57- snow day in my area, so i'll do an early p90x.

i just really don't like the yoga... easy to skip and talk myself out of feel too bad about it. Today we start back up with the same stuff we did the first week- if i remember correctly we do my favorite 2 things- standard pull ups and push ups. high five for the classics!
