Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 30: Woo!

I still really hateX plyometrics, and I'm really angry that we have to do it every flipping Tuesday (minus the recovery weeks). Technically, we can do cardioX instead, but N. is all "no Kay, I refuse to switch, plyometrics is too mcuh fun." Shove it N. I hate you, I hate Tony Horton, and I especially hate the Tuesday workout. There I said it. It's out there. Bam! Haterade and all.

So, after yesterday my left shoulder feels strained- I need to pick up some 5 lb. weights for tomorrow. Now, after today, my right knee is feeling pretty weak- I also hate my knee brace. It's awesome to feel the burn, but it's not so awesome to have some of these pains that make me slow it down.

Today with the workout from hell it felt even worse than normal because we had the recovery week, so I felt "out of practice" with the jumping and had the hardest time keeping up. We started late, were on a time constraint, and B. started the workout with the desire for a napX instead. This does not make for an awesome workout combo. Add in a friend who shows up halfway through to watch so they can all go somewhere right after wards and we get a lot of extra yelling. Why is it we only seem to get an audience when its the awkward workouts that don't make us look good? Why can't people show up to watch us power through clapping push ups and switch grip pull ups?

Just tossing that one out there... because we look super fab during those workouts.


PS- officially 1/3 of the way through p90x and I'M STILL DOING IT! Who would have imagined?

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