Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Day 37: Plyometrics. Again.

For once I didn't wish death upon Tony Horton during the atrocious workout that is plyometrics. I feel like that in itself is an improvement. I also didn't feel the same pain in my knees, and I did work up a great sweat (and required stink that goes with it- ew.)

As I get closer to the halfway mark, the more excited I become... and the sadder I become because if you think about it- after halfway it's down hill right? And what will I do when the 90 days are up? I know I have to take a break for a while (it's mentioned somewhere in the literature that N. read), but once I take a break what do I do?

I know I will definitely want to keep up with ab ripperX- 15 minutes of a killer ab workout and then I feel accomplished? Awesome. I'm not sure if I'll want to do a second cycle of the full 90 days- it does take up quite a bit of time, and it'd be nice to be able to come home from work one day and stay home. Not to mention the fact that p90x makes it a bit harder to plan any vacations because I have to think "Ok, I'll be gone on these days, I will need these discs, and I will need this amount of time each day to do it." Which doesn't seem so bad, but when my support isn't beside me also doing the workout- it's tough. I think N. and I are the only ones still full swing into the workout, which is fine. I think the others pick it up on days they can... whatever works best for them. However, this puts that much more pressure on N. and I to not give up because then the other is flying solo- and that's definitely no fun.

Yet... I love the workout, I love the burn, I love how tired but energized I feel. I like how when people talk about it with me I get the fire of excitement burning in my chest. Weird. I'm actually becoming a fan of *movement*.

Does this mean I have to change my blog title?


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