Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day's 45 & 46: I promise I'm better at the workout than I am at the daily posting...

Yesterday was HALF WAY through p90x, and it was full of pull ups and basic weight lifting moves for the biceps. I enjoy that work out, even if I'm completely soaked and tuckered out by the end of it... and then still have ab-ripperX. Which of course, we all try to get through as quickly as possible. By the time we finish up we're so wasted and hurting it's not even funny. I realize now that Tony talks a lot between each exercise for a reason, but I still refuse to put up with it because I still feel like it is a total waste of my time. I can listen to Tony Horton talk when I'm dead and in hell (because we all know that's where I'm most likely headed).

Yesterday for the workout itself I had to pull B. out of bed (literally, pull him out... after jumping on him and stealing the blanket) so that I would have someone to workout with. My method of motivation may be a bit... off center. However! It works because he did get up and work out... even if he was a whiny butt muncher for most of the workout, kept sitting down, and then skipped ab ripperX so that he could get to wherever it was he had to be at 6:30. He's a lamer- but a total trooper for putting up with me.

Even if he does pretty much hate me right now. (Yes, he was still grumpy about it today.)

Today was another exciting day of YOGAX! Being that it was just N. and I trooping through it together, it was also another rousing day of gossipX. Nothing like catching up on each others lives... and the lives of many of our friends... and making fun of people (mainly Tony) together. Screw 'finding our chi'... this is much more entertaining.

Ok, you've been update on how awesome I am for doing this workout and keeping up with it. All should worship me.

No? Ok. Fine. I get it. Idol worship isn't cool anyway.


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