Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 34: Morning KenpoX

Today I had to get rolling fairly early for weekend work, so I started my day with a little KenpoX. I hate KenpoX (as you all probably have figured out by now, of course) however- it wasn't so bad this morning. I'm not sure if it was the fact that I'm improving, or that it was too early in the day for me to care to much so I just did it, but whatever it was- it worked. Because of my packed morning, N. came over to my place to do the workout, and we flew through it as quick as we could, but I still had to cut out towards the end so I could grab a pre-work shower.

Despite skipping the punch-kick combo series, I feel pretty good about the workout, and just barely made it to work on time. Awesome.

I've also been jazzed/ energized all day because I knocked KenpoX out early. I wish I could do that everyday- but 6am p90x just doesn't sound as thrilling.


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