Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 39: Lala Yoga

Yesterday was day 39 (I know I'm late posting, but hey- my power was out when I got home and didn't want to sit alone in the dark so I went back out- sue me.) and I did yogaX for the 137th time. Wee!

Yoga is much better with people- esp with B. because he isn't very flexible and complains quite a bit, so I am constantly amused and spend time yelling at him- telling him he's doing it wrong (in a joking manner). This sounds mean, but really it keeps my focus off the burn and how much I hate yogaX and Tony Horton.

Also, B. claims he is the original hater of Tony Horton, and the rest of us are just copying. He does not hold a monopoly on the Horton Haterade. Just throwing that one out there.

I'm excited for today! Tomorrow I have to do KenpoX on my own at some point, not so fun. We all know how much I am not a fan of that workout. Maybe I'll do it at my friend's house while dog sitting... and watch the dog go nuts.



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