Wednesday, January 28, 2009

24: KenpoX does not help me "recover"

Okay Tony Horton, here's the deal- when I'm in "recovery week" and have had a busy day, it is NOT cool to make me do a workout involving the punching and kicking routine. While I appreciate that you have decided that plyometrics is a bitch and not appropriate for the recovery week, I think you need to learn that KenpoX should also be bypassed. Perhaps pilates would be fun? Or some X Stretch? Those are much more my speed. Please take this into your consideration.

That being said, I'm quite tired. I spent most of my work day setting up two apartments for a large Bhutanese refugee family coming in tonight at midnight. (Sidenote: I get to go help pick them up from the airport too! I'm excited, this is my first family pick up!) I was not aware today was KenpoX, so I was way disappointed when I walked into the house tonight only to find out I had the second worst workout ahead of me.

On another, more positive, note- I have begun to notice how thanks to p90x other aspects of my life have improved. I have more energry, my general outlook is more positive, and I have found more self able to carry and move more things at work- which is defintely a positive. My motivation to get other things done is up because I no longer lazy around all day- I get out more and I'm accomplishing more. While talking with a friend about my workout, and improved lifestyle, and how I'm really loving the change, we noted that while the p90x thing is really more of a "health/ fitness kick" it has the major potential to work itself into a whole new lifestyle. I think this has become my ultimate goal- to make fitness and healthier eating a lifestyle that I can maintain. I feel better about myself, so why wouldn't I work to keep this up after my 90 days are up?


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