Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 5: Legs, Back, and Ab RipperX

I think B. is ready to kill me. I hate wasting time if we don't need to so I made him go through the entire workout only taking a break when they said to (once) and then pausing only to write it down or figure out what we were doing. Then when J. joined us for Ab RipperX (day 3!) I refused to stop the tape. It's only 15 minutes (including cool down) and we can pump through that. Especially because you can stop mid exercise and catch up, it's not so bad. I love a good ab workout- which I had forgotten until I started p90x. Abs hurt like a bitch and they get intense, but when you're done it feels SOO good. Not to mention I think the abs and the arms are what I most want to see improved. While I'd like to see my whole body improve, I know I will feel best once I see the results in these two places.

Currently I feel physically charged, with some pain. At work today I had to pick up furniture donations (I work for a nonprofit that does refugee resettlement) from a few different locations in the area, so I was out and about all day, loading and unloading the vans. While it was rough to be sore and have to keep moving, it felt good to know that in a few weeks I will be able to move easier and not struggle with some of the heavier donations. Woo! The office will love me.

Now it's time to grab some food, stretch out some more, and then head out for a bit because it's Friday... which means I'm ALMOST done with Week One and I'm still alive!

Also- I would like to point out that B. pulled a bitch move during the work out when we did our last move (reverse palm chin ups) and he decided to sit down before our cool down. When I called him out he took a gigantic sip of his coke sitting on the couch. DUDE! (I told him I was going to call him out for drinking coke mid workout... so bam!)

Still jazzed. Shower and food time.


1 comment:

  1. Oh Karen... I love you! You're gonna be a lean mean refugee-resettlin' machine soon!
