Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 17: WOOOO!

I made it through the Mason Twists! I made it through all 40! Without stopping! And got a little over half of the bonus twists! This is a big deal for me because I usually cannot keep up, nor can I get the full movement down, but today I DID IT! I also improved quite a bit on most of the other ab/core routines on ab ripperX today, and I feel awesome. This part of p90x has quickly become the routine I love to hate.

Arms and shoulders also went well with B. today. I got through most of the exercises, and this week I didn't have to skip out on the bonus round, and even got to 25 on the side tri-rise. (30 for the last round even!) These are crazy, where you lie on your side and pretty much lift your upper body up with one arm. Awesome burn.

So I'm feeling optimistic today. My coworkers have been telling me I'm looking better, I'm feeling great. Today is a day I'm glad I agreed to this. We'll see how I feel after yogaX tomorrow.



  1. Congrats on your workout!

    This is Dan's coworker, and I started the X this week...I think he told you about me earlier today...I'm two weeks behind you but doing the same workouts (at least until next week - I believe you change it up on Monday).

    Good job with the blog, I'm considering doing something like this myself, but I'm pretty lazy about writing, and since I do my workouts first thing in the morning, I have to get ready for work as soon as I'm done.

    You do know that there is an option on the menu that negates all the talking? Choose 'Music and Cues" then the only time you will hear Tony's voice is when he tells you what excersise is next. You can even tell it not to play any music and put on your own soundtrack.

    Also, be very careful about pushing through pain - soreness is one thing, but pain is your body trying to tell you something. Push too hard through it and you may sideline yourself a lot longer than you would like.

    I love X-Stretch. Been doing it for a couple of weeks to get ready for the rest, but I couldn't start the full program until this week because I had a marathon a week ago.

    Good job, and keep up the good work! I do Yoga-X for the first time tomorrow...if you want to talk to someone else about the workouts, tell Dan to give you my work email address.
