Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 6: week one can kiss my buttocks

Today was KenpoX. I learned how to throw a punch/ block/ kick. Except, I didn't. Tony went through the workout so quickly that none of us had time to figure out what the hell we were supposed to do until he was halfway through. I mean come on dude, take 3 seconds to say "this is a jab, this is a hook, this is a backasswardsidebend ball kick punch stare combo." I think I spent more time trying to figure out what he was doing and if I matched him than focusing on the actual workout.

Also, when you're dripping with sweat and highly confused already, it is NOT appropriate to yell "DOUBLE TIME WITH NOISE" and start yelling numbers all willy-nilly. This is when I start yelling at the TV telling Tony he's lucky he's not in front of me because I'd figure out how to beat him up. B. was feeling particularly stabby as well. Frickin Tony Horton.

D1. had the fabulous idea of doing a video blog (vlog) of the groups while we work out so that we can capture the true essence of how supremely annoying the work out is (and how ridiculous we all look crammed into the living room kicking furniture- and each other- trying to get through the workout.) It would be even better if we had cuts to 'confessionals' in the middle. While this idea is highly amusing, after realizing how ridiculous we must look trying to throw punches as fast as we can while counting and pushing our hips forward and moving our feet (okay- seriously- who can keep track of the 7 different things we were supposed to be doing at the same time!? EFF THAT OYSTER.) I would not want video record of this. The sweat, the anger, the language... not so attractive.

On the upside tomorrow is Sunday, which happens to be skip/Xstretch day, so this is the end of week one and I am alive. A little worn out, a little sore, and my chinchilla is wondering why he hasn't gotten to run around as much lately. I'm stoked for the Xstretch tomorrow with N. and whoever else decides to go for the glory. And speaking of my chinchilla... I'm going to go let him out for a bit and grab a shower.


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