Monday, January 5, 2009

Day One: Post Workout


ok, now that's out of the way. In all reality the work out wasn't as bad as I had originally thought. The excitement and nerves got me through most of it, but I'm feeling a burn, that's for sure. On the upside- N.'s life was only threatened 4-5 times. And that didn't start until we started the post-p90x ab workout (ab ripperX) that we're supposed to do every MWF. 15 minutes of intense non-stop abs after a full hour of upper body chest/arms is RIDIC. I was pretty good for the whole p90x workout (the X... is for EXTREME, the dude feels it is necessary to tell us this often) at keeping pace and not getting too frustrated, but oh man the pain.

Another person has been added to the group, D2. whose goal is to be able to ride his bike shirtless with pride looking badass. I think this is a worthy goal to work for. Personally, I haven't set any goals in that form yet- mainly my goal is to work through it and look "better". It'd be nice to not be self-conscious with a shirt off or in a bathing suit. Yeah- I'm a chick and I want to look better in a bathing suit, how cliche. deal.

I would also like to be able to do the full routine without having to make any compensations- like actual push-ups and not cheater knee ones and real pull ups on the bar- not this band on a hook crap i'm doing now. Although, I am excited to say that I am not on the easiest band out there- I'm on the hard one for most of the work- yay!

I'm only slightly sore now, and still have the desire to keep going. This is good. I parked my car further away from my door to make my self walk further. I took the stairs with ease. I came in and started a small dinner. I'll probably get some stretches in and drink more water. If I'm going to do this, I'm going to need to do this right.

ps- as for the video itself, so much better than any other workout video i've ever seen or done. I didn't want to stab the host within the first five minutes, even though he NEVER SHUTS UP. I mean, I'm a talkative person... but this dude just kept going on and on. Not to mention that every few minutes something he said could easily be construed as a sexual innuendo. nothing like having him explain push up handles as being a great addition to the work out because they "give you an extra 6 inches so you can go deeper."

yeah... I was working out with 2 guys, and a few other guys were walking through (they'll be doing their turn with the workout later in the evening) laughing as well. Not awkward at all. (Love you guys!) I had to laugh too it was so ridiculous at points.

Okay, so I survived day 1. Gold star? Whatevs, only 89 days to go. I can DO this!! (let's see how I feel in the morning.)


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