Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 20: onto recovery week!

Today marks the last day of our first set- next week is "recovery" week, which means a lot of extra yogaX (eww), stretching (yay!) and a few other things. I'm not sure if plyometrics is in that mix, but I'm really hoping not. I'm also hoping that I get a break from KenpoX. I'm sad we won't be doing ab ripperX now that I've gotten that much better at it- but hey, it's recovery week.

Today was KenpoX with D. which was fun because we were both tired, and we pretty much hate KenpoX. It's hard to keep up because Tony speeds it up half way through the work out, never lets it slow down, and I can't keep track of what punch is what with what arm and where I'm looking and what I'm doing. Not to mention the extra feet movement with sliding, turning, dragging, or whatevering we're supposed to do and which way the hips go. I feel like the world's most uncoordinated person when it comes to KenpoX. Which is the number 1 reason why I hate it... let's just hope I never have to fight off 2-3 men at the same time because this workout has taught me that I do not have that kind of coordination.

Looks like I won't become a movie stunt-man anytime soon, but with the muscles I'm building- my life-long dream to be a roadie for 1 tour is looking more possible. You know, because I can lift heavy things.


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