Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 10: painX

Well, as it turns out, I may have actually hurt my shoulder more than I thought last Wednesday with the shoulder/arm exercises because it really started to hurt by mid workout and I ended up having to skip the bonus round- which is sad because I could otherwise really get in a few good reps at the end. However, I'm hoping that if I take it a bit easier this week on the right shoulder I'll be able to return to normal by next week. I better, otherwise I'll be punching someone.

Today working out in my heat was B. and N. These two are great fun because N. gets intense and pushes it to the eXtreme, and is typically sweating bullets about a third of the way in. B. on the other hand, while being into the workout and interested in getting through it, has a much more care-free attitude and will joke around, eat chicken bites, and drink coke during the workout. Kinda makes me want to stab him. While I know I'm not perfect with the whole diet adjustment thing, I have cut back on my diet coke (and I love the diet coke) and am trying to incorperate healthier options into my diet... and eat on a regular basis, which often my schedule at work doesn't always allow.

I still hate Tony Horton. He's an ass and he talks to much. I'm sick of his "I could do these all day, hundreds man, but I'm going to stop and check on the kids instead" joke. I'm beginning to think that when he feels a burn he just stops to "check on the kids" so that we don't know. Dude's fifty- it's okay if you get tired and can't keep going Tony. Also- why do I have to listen to him make jokes with a strong sexual undertone? (Okay, for fifty the guy looks really good... perhaps I'm just jealous?) I'm still not a fan.

With ab ripperX today for some reason the video didn't display, but we could still hear him talking. We've done it enough times before that we didn't really need to watch him anyway, so we went on with just the audio. As it turns out, it seems significantly shorter when we aren't straining to make sure we can still see him while trying to do the various crunches properly. Also, I cannot stress this enough- DUDE NEVER SHUTS UP. If he's going to be all "5-4, 3-2-1, go!" then he should just jump from one to the next instead of wasting my time. When I get on a roll, I want it to keep going to the end and then crash. None of this bullshitting in the middle.

Finally, on my drive home I realized that I really do love this workout. It kills me most days, but yet SO awesome. I feel so good about it afterwards, and I'm already feeling a small difference- even if it is just energy and outlook on life. Granted, I pretty much hate the cardio bits.

Plyometrics can still kiss my shiny shoe.


1 comment:

  1. Karen, my love... your jokes make me smile. Let's go kill him
