Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 19: Habit formed?

Best workout so far. Amazing, I loved it. N. and I rocked it through to the end. I especially enjoyed the fact that we can now carry on a conversation throughout the workout (before the idea of talking was killer- if anything we grunted and yelled at Tony). I also thought it'd be fun to see how many routines I could do with "spirit fingers"... this was an awesome twist because it kept me motivated and N. laughing.

Today was legs and back plus ab ripperX. It was awesome, my legs are feeling stronger, it's a lot easier to lift them off the ground. (I have knee problems due to hyperelasticity so I have to be a little careful, and often struggle with getting the legs up- this improvement marks that I have been able to build some muscle in my thighs. This is what makes the Fifer Scissors additionally difficult for me.) I also decided to skip past the bands-on-a-hook technique for the pull-ups and graduated to "assisted" pull-ups. This was especially exciting for me since I haven't done a pull-up since middle school... so we're talking roughly 10 years ago- CRAZY!

I made it all the way through ab ripperX, sometimes moving a bit faster to allow for a bigger break. I even made it through all 50 (yeah bonus!) Mason Twists. I am beyond stoked about today's workout. I broke a massive sweat and was horribly gross and worn out by the end.

That being said, it's shower time... bitches.


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