Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 22: Tony Horton Pulls A Bitch Move...

Recovery Week? Awesome.
YogaX on a Monday... and then again on Saturday? Bitch Move.

I like yoga, I really do. It's relaxing, it's calm, it works the flexibility, and it's an overall chill workout. YogaX is not yoga... it's the worst set of twists and bends and balancing moves I have ever witnessed. And I get to do it TWICE this week. I hate you even more now Tony Horton- be warned... my punch is improving with the added strength.

Today it was B. J. and me hard at work trying to hit the moves. We're all improving, which is awesome, and at this point my main struggle is the balance. I still struggle with the twisting while balancing on a toe and stretching out my arms while turning my head as far in the opposite direction as possible... and then some. I'm still working on the crane- B. totally nailed it today, which was fantastic to see. I was able to pull off the wheel for much longer than I have in the past, so I was stoked.

Tomorrow we're working the core again- I love core workouts, even if they beat me up. Sadly, we aren't doing ab ripperX at all this week. However, I hear Core Synergistics should be quite the intense and interesting workout.

I cannot believe I have made it to week 4, closing in on the first month, and still rolling. Not to mention the fact that I am loving it. Who would have thought that one of the more intense workouts would have me stoked about "movement"? Not this kid.


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