Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 8: I thought this got easier?

Frickin Cow- I think today was worse than last week. After a long day moving donations at work, I came home, got ready for my workout and then realized "It's Monday- Ab Day... DAMMIT"... then drove off to get started.

Today was chest and back again, with just me and N. screaming our lungs out because we're sore, tired, and just want to get it over with. The push ups were killing me, but I already noticed that today it was easier than last Monday- so yay for progress! N. and I were both ready to kill Tony by the middle of the video, and I think at about the 12 minutes to go mark I about lost it and almost collapsed on the floor in protest. But I did not, I pushed through with N. and we got it done.

Then we did the full 15 minutes of Ab RipperX without stopping. And collapsed. And it was glorious.

Unfortunately I also learned that going to the grocery store post workout when you're hungry is torture. I was starving and wanted everything quick, easy, delicious, and not good for me. Instead I got the healthier options while looking out for sales. (I heart food on sale.)

But OH SO EFFING TIRED. And tomorrow is the flipping plyometrics crap again. *pout*



  1. when you give up, I'll have a fresh batch of chocolateChipCookiesX ready for you

  2. Don't give up Kay! Sounds like it's getting somewhat better! You can doooo it!
