Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 12: Feel that Burn

I still hate Tony Horton. I'm also not a fan of that blonde chick he hits on constantly. She's pretty bitchy. N. and J. think it may be that the two are doing it off set and she's trying to be extra angry to hide the attraction.

Plausible, but I'm sticking to "bitch".

Also, why is it every other thing Tony say's turns into a sexual joke? Working out with 3 men makes it harder to get through the work out because they pick up on all of them, and then stretch them out even more so- I think today with N. and J. had the most jokes so far. I even had one or two of my own. At the end of ab ripperX, we are supposed to go into either upward-dog or cobra. I'm a fan of cobra personally, so I shout out "Mmmm, I love the cobra!"

Thank you N. for getting the reference... and then explaining it to J.

I may hate the workout some days, but I do enjoy the people I work out with- which makes all the difference. Never work out alone or with people you aren't a fan of because it's just that much harder.

Tomorrow is 10am KenpoX... yay! (note: read sarcasm)


1 comment:

  1. Very true... being alone/people who suck... make working out no fun. And it's hard for it to not be fun... endorphins are AMAZING... and if those don't make you happy... you need new people.

    Karen... I love you. Keep up the good work
