Monday, January 5, 2009

Day One: A brief introduction

Okay, to give you the basic rundown:

I am starting the p90x workout this evening (in 30 minutes actually) with a group of 5 other people. The 6 of us for various reasons have decided that we're going to do this workout for the next 90 days; hence the 90 in the name. Today is day one, and I'm still excited despite being sore from yesterdays pre-tests- when I realized just how out of shape I really am, and how far behind my teammates I am.


Because I always say I am going to get off my butt and do something for myself... and a week later I'm done with it. I say my knee hurts, or I'm crampy, or I feel "sick" and then I never get back into it. Which helps no one. I cannot being to tell you how much money I have spent over the years on tapes, gym passes, and equipment to whip myself into shape and then stop. And while I cannot guarantee this will be any different, I want it to be even more so than ever before- and I've decided to go after this in a different manner.

I'm not doing this alone. There are 6 of us total and N. is the most enthusiastic of the group. He had us do the pre-tests yesterday so we could track development for ourselves and in comparrison to each other. Also- this gives me people to compete against. I will want to not only beat the pre-tests, but I'll want to catch up or beat the others in different areas. This appeals to my competetive streak.

I haven't paid for anything. R. has the tapes and N. B. and D1. all had the necessary equipment. So it's just me! While I don't see this being any major factor in the program- I am a thrifty individual, so this appeals to my desire to do something that won't cost me money- much better than buying a gym pass and going at it alone.

The group has developed a system of motivation and support so that we can encourage each other through out the 90 days. Which is great, but potentially not enough. Therefore I've decided to create this blog. By making this effort pulic- even through a blog that people may not read (or maybe like-minded individuals and friends will find this and be amused?) I become more commited. Nothing like starting something, making it known to as many people as possible, and then failing- and disappointing myself, my team, and supporters.

I really want to do it. This is more than a "I should do this" it's a "I need to do this" and more importantly "I WANT TO DO THIS!"

So, lets see if I can. Challenge me. Encourage me. Offer suggestions. Share your own stories! Lets see if this lazy 22 year old college graduate can finally find the motivation and keep on it for the full 90 days.

I'm excited. Lets get to it.


1 comment:

  1. Good remind me I must start eating healthy and moving again...
