Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 9: Plyometrics is p90x HellX

And Tony Horton is Satan. The effing devil.

I hateX him. Xtreme haterade over here man. OWWWWWW. I mean come on man, what is with all the effing jumping. And that Pam character (er, sorry "Blam"... lamest nickname ever, that's the sound of something squishy hitting the floor at an xtreme! velocity... some physics kid can figure out the exact speed.) doesn't do the modified version like she's supposed to half way through the video, and then Tony finally shows you what it is at the very end, so the entire time I'm yelling at the screen in pain, only to find out that the was an easier/ less intensive on the knee way. UGH.

I strained my right hip doing some hopping move, and my right knee was already feeling pretty worn down. So I had to take it easier at the end.

Also, N. started being all "Second wind- woo! Onto number 2. Do you feel it Kay!?" To which I responded with the only thing I could think of: "I DON'T HAVE A FLIPPING NUMBER TWO!!!" (And then I immediately thought of poop. awesome.)

Tony Horton, by the way, talks to fricking much. SHUT UP and just do the damn exercise already so I can finish it and whimper my way home. I don't care about your 'recovery drink' plug #37 of the day, I don't care if you're "feeling the burn", I just want you to shut up so I can get this over with.

As a funny note, today we had the main 5 of us all doing it together. D1. and B. did the upstairs workout, while J. N. and I were downstairs. Nothing like stopping for your water break and hearing jumps and grunts from the other room. And B. win's most creative aim away message featuring p90x with his "Sleep X" last night... he beat out N.'s "Building Rome..." (mocking Tony Horton's 'Rome wasn't built in a day... blah blah" comment on ab ripperX. ) Personally, I know we were all a little worn out today and could go for some xtreme napping right about now.


Ps- Tony Horton told us that we all did "good"... not "well" and N. pointed that one out. Learn proper grammer dude.


  1. I love you... just think how strong you're gonna get... PS... I am jealous of your followers

  2. Proper grammar isn't not XTREEEM enough!

    It was a bit amusing to see you basically holding up the wall from exhaustion Friday night but you'll be all incessantly talking and second wind in no time!
