Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 3: Still going

Just a quick update: today was arms and shoulders, followed by the second round of ab ripperX. It hurts like crazy, but i still have the spirit going! I yelled at the end, and definitely throughout the abs. I didn't threaten N.'s life though, which I'm sure he appreciated.

I did notice that it seems like every effing exercise has the most retarded name ever like suprocalaficking bicep curlie q's. I mean COME ON MAN! Who the hell comes up with this shit? Although the Pot Stirrer's that have my name are quite nice ;-)

This morning I didn't hurt too bad, and tonight I was still doing well, although I did hurt my shoulder on one exercise and had to stop briefly but I got back into it. I refuse to give up- I'm still holding strong and I like that this is getting me out there and making me work.

I'm headed back out again- hey look, day 3 and I already still have the energy to go back out and see a few friends post workout. Hopefully soon I can do the full exercise's (modifying most of it is a real bitch and I hate doing it), shake it off, shower, and keep on rolling.

I'm also eating better- which is also a plus. I'm not following the diet plan, but I'm trying to adjust my diet to healthier foods and regular eating to support the workout. I know it's only day 3- but so far so good!

I need this to keep up!

(EDIT:: After having returned to my apartment after being out with a few friends for about 1.5hrs OWWW. That post workout high has settled and now it has kicked in. Holy effing mother of an oyster man. Typing hurts. I want my bed.)


1 comment:

  1. The weird paradoxical effect exercise has on my energy is I have more energy during the day, but I'm much sleepier in the morning when I'm trying to get out of bed. Maybe you're noticing that too.
